


Dr. Jess 格林沃尔德 is a 教授 in the Department of 管理. Dr. 格林沃尔德 teaches courses on organizational behavior, 统计技术, ethical and social responsibility of business, 员工敬业度, 领导, 组织中的人类行为, 以及国际商务. She conducts research primarily in the area of work motivation including core confidence, 目标取向, and attribution theory on performance outcomes.

Dr. 格林沃尔德 has published articles in academic journals such as Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 人力资源管理, Personality and Individual Differences, and Applied Psychology: An 国际 Review. She has also presented numerous research papers at international meetings of the Academy of 管理 and the Society of Industrial Organizational Psychology.

Dr. 格林沃尔德 was a recipient of the Doctoral 校友 Research Fellow award. She received the Faculty Scholarship Award in the College of Business in 2021. Dr. 格林沃尔德 has received numerous grants and scholarships from St. 竞技宝app下载安装 and the 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校. She has delivered the convocation speech at St. 竞技宝app下载安装. 在她的学术生涯之前,Dr. 格林沃尔德 was a Senior Account Executive for ASAP Software, now known as Dell Software - USA. In this position, she received multiple President's Club awards.

Dr. 格林沃尔德简历 (pdf)



  • 博士学位, 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校, Organizational Behavior; Secondary Concentration: Human Resources; Minor: Research Methods
  • MBA, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Ill.、国际商务
  • BS, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Ill.、市场营销

更多关于博士. 格林沃尔德


MGMT 210 Principles of 管理
MGMT 325 Leadership in Organizations
MGMT 332 Organizational Theory and Behavior
MGMT 399 Topics in 管理: Work Motivation and Sustainable 管理
INTL 400 国际 Experiential Portfolio
MBA 615 Ethical and Social Responsibility in Business
MBA 621 Human Behavior in Organizations
DBA 902统计技术
DBA 903 Statistical Techniques II
DBA 910 Analyzing Behavior in Organizations
DBA 911 Managing Human Resources in a Global Environment
DBA 940 Special Topics Seminar: Leadership
DBA 940 Special Topics Seminar: Employee Engagement

Noteworthy Publications and Presentations

Stajkovic,. D.格林沃尔德,J. M. & 中士,K. (2022). The money priming debate revisited: A review, meta-analysis, and extension to organizations. Journal of Organizational Behavior

Stajkovic,. D.李,D. S.警官,K.格林沃尔德,J. M.拉菲,J., & 年轻,年代. (2020). The mitigating role of trait core confidence on psychological distress in entrepreneurship. Applied Psychology: An 国际 Review.

盖尔,M. & 格林沃尔德 J. M. (2020). An investigation of the characteristics of effective global leaders. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 35(10), 1505-1515.

Thome, M. & 格林沃尔德 J. M. (2020). A study of job and community embeddedness on voluntary turnover. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 35(10), 1573-1580.

Avdic mcintyre, G.迪德里克森,A.Schnell, T.汤普森,C.伍德拉夫,K., & 格林沃尔德 J. M. (2020). Assessment of confidence impact on pilot training performance. Paper presented at the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference.

Muecke,年代.林德曼-希尔,K., & 格林沃尔德 J. M. (2020). Linking job autonomy to work engagement: The mediating role of challenge demand. Paper presented at the meeting of the Academy of 管理.

Linderman-Hill K., & 格林沃尔德 J. M. (2019). Engaging top performers: The influence of core confidence on the relationship between job characteristics and engagement. Paper presented at the meeting of the Academy of 管理, Boston, MA.

马洪,M., & 格林沃尔德 J. M. (2018). The influence of leader prototype congruence on 领导 self-efficacy and motivation to lead. Paper presented at the meeting of the Academy of 管理, Chicago, IL.

Holdorf W. E., & 格林沃尔德 J. M. (2018). Toward a taxonomy and unified construct of responsibility. Personality and Individual Differences, 132, 115-125.

派普J. R.格林沃尔德,J. M., & Schlachter,年代. (2018). Motivating employee referrals: The interactive effects of the referral bonus, 转诊的感知风险, 情感承诺. 人力资源管理, 57, 1159-1174.

盖尔,M., & 格林沃尔德 J. M. (2017). Beyond cultural intelligence: The influence of polychronicity and core confidence on perceived global 领导 effectiveness. Paper presented at the meeting of the Midwest Academy of 管理, Chicago, IL.

派普J. R.格林沃尔德,J. M., & Schlachter,年代. (2017). Motivating employee referrals: The interactive effects of the referral bonus, 转诊的感知风险, 情感承诺. Paper presented at the meeting of the Academy of 管理, Atlanta, GA.

Gilstrap R., & 格林沃尔德 J. M. (2016). Creating an inimitable resource: An analysis of engagement, core confidence, and performance. Paper presented at the meeting of the Midwest Academy of 管理, Fargo, ND.

P·波洛克., & 格林沃尔德 J. M. (2016). Learning to be engaged: Leader/employee 目标取向 and learning on 员工敬业度 and performance. Paper presented at the meeting of the Midwest Academy of 管理, Fargo, ND.

马塔里奇调查,M. A.格林沃尔德,J., & 赖利,G. (2016). Team-level 目标取向: An emergent state and its relationships with team inputs, 过程, 和结果. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 25, 68-88.

派普J.格林沃尔德,J. M., & Schlachter,年代. (2015). Risk versus reward: The impetus for referring job candidates. Paper presented at the meeting of the Academy of 管理, Vancouver, B.C.

Thome, M., & 格林沃尔德 J. M. (2015). Turning outsiders to insiders: A study of job and community embeddedness on voluntary turnover. Paper presented at the meeting of the Academy of 管理, Vancouver, B.C.

Stajkovic,. D.李,D.格林沃尔德,J. M., & Raffiee J. (2015). The role of trait core confidence higher-order construct in self-regulation of performance and attitudes: Evidence from four studies. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 128, 29-48.


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